Search Results | pseudoscience physics

Your search for "pseudoscience physics" returned 14 results

'Everyone Says It So It Must Be True': The Pseudoscience Quiz

We have an astonishing capacity to accept scientific-sounding concepts if we hear them repeatedly. Test your ability to differentiate between real science and fictitious “common knowledge."

Who’s Your Daddy? The History of Paternity Testing

Before the widespread use of DNA, establishing the paternity of a child was a tricky business. Ever heard of the oscillophore?

Can You Pass This Basic Astrology Test?

Whether you check your horoscope religiously or turn your nose up at looking to the stars, how much do you know about astrology? Even if you think celestial divination's pure fiction, there are plenty of facts to unpack.

A Former Naturopath Blows the Whistle on the Industry

HowStuffWorks shares the story of former naturopath Britt Marie Hermes who speaks out against the industry.

Is 2/22/22 Just Another Date or Does It Hold Deeper Meaning?

Why have numbers like 2/22/22 been fascinating humans for more than 2,000 years? It has a lot to do with our brains' desire to find meaning and connection.

Can we control the weather?

To control the weather we would have to come up with some technology straight out of science fiction. Find out if we can control the weather.

What Is ESP? How ESP Works

Have you ever had a dream that came true? Or called a friend at the exact moment he was calling you? Most of us have had some sort of paranormal experience. Is this evidence of the existence of ESP?

How fMRI Works

fMRI, or functional magnetic resonance imaging, looks at blood flow in the brain to detect areas of activity. Learn about fMRI and its invention.

'Unsolved' Mysteries, Solved: 10 Times We Answered History's Biggest Questions

Was Anna Anderson really Anastasia Romanov? Does the Bermuda Triangle really exist? Wonder no more: We have the answers to these and other formerly unsolved mysteries.

10 Crackpot Theories About Space

Our knowledge of space changes all the time as new discoveries are made. But some ideas about the universe have never really held water – including the one that everything is made of frozen H2O.

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